Thursday, December 30, 2010
Knitting Again
Christmas in Jamaica
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Grossly Overdue
First is Samantha modeling her adorable new rain boots. She has a little trouble walking on the carpet in them, but she's willing to suffer for fashion.
And here's Samantha showing some unit pride in her Daddy's 18th Engineer Co t-shirt. Pat took command of the 18th last week.
The Christmas party was at the skating rink on post, and Sammy absolutely loved when Pat would take her for a couple of laps around the skating rink. I managed to snap this picture as they went flying by.
And finally, here's a picture of Sammy's favorite new game...piling toys on whoever is sitting on the couch. Your role in the game is to sit still and not move any of the toys. The game is over either when she takes all the toys off of you and piles them on the floor or when she gets distracted by something shiny and doesn't notice you getting up.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Reading is Serious Business
Saturday, November 13, 2010
What is she doing?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Your fortune is...
In my face.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
First Words
Monday, November 1, 2010
Samantha's 2nd Halloween
For Halloween itself, we put her in this cute little jack-o-latern dress to run errands during the day, and then back into her clown costume for trick-or-treating. She wasn't too keen on going to the neighbors' houses, so she helped Mom and Dad pass out candy. I was pleasantly surprised that all of the kids in their costumes didn't bother her at all.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Let Her Eat Cake!
When Daddy finally got home, we ate a quick dinner, and then it was time for cake! I made a carrot cake with carrots from the farmers market and cream cheese frosting from scratch. It might not have been the prettiest cake in the world, but it was delicious!
Samantha started off eating pretty delicately.
But she quickly discovered how fun it was to squish the cake, stash it in her high chair, and chuck it over the side. At one point there was a piece teetering on the edge of her tray that finally fell off, which Samantha thought was hysterical.
After cake (and a bath), we let Samantha open the rest of her presents. While she was occupied playing with shredded wrapping paper, we stashed most of the new toys in a closet, to be rationed out over the next few days.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Happy First Birthday
Today you turn one year old. In that year, you have blossomed into such an amazing little person. You are constantly busy learning and exploring the world around you. When you fall down you might cry a bit, but after a quick snuggle you are up and running again. You love being outside and looking at the rocks, trees, and animals. You invent new ways to play peekaboo, and then fall down because they make you laugh so hard. You love your sister-kitty, Mimi, more than almost anything else in the world. You shriek with delight when she comes in the room and try to pet her and give her kisses. You also shriek with delight when Daddy comes home from work. You immdeiately want to play with him and get annoyed that you have to hold still for some hugs and kisses. You are either wide awake or sound asleep. There is no in-between groggy period for you. You wake up immediately ready to face the day. You make the best faces! My favorites are your concentrating face and your scrunched-nose face. You are so close to saying your first word. For now, everything is either Ma, Ba, or Da. I'm excited for you to finally be able to start sharing your thoughts with us.
Daddy and I love you so much and want to wish you a very happy first birthday. We can't wait to see what your next year brings us!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Helicopters and Pumpkin Bread
Now that October is almost here, I'm really starting to get into the fall spirit. I've been loving all things pumpkin lately (I blame Starbucks for advertising the heck out of their Pumpkin Spice Latte). I decided to bake some pumpkin bread, and it turned out super delicious. It's pretty heavy on the spices, but I like it that way. In case the picture convinces you that you just have to have some yourself, I'm including the recipe. It's slightly modified from the Food Network. Or you can just come visit, and we'll gobble up the one that's safely tucked away in the freezer.
I may reduce the total sugar and substitute some brown sugar for some of the regular sugar next time and try applesauce instead of oil. That way I won't have to feel quite as guilty when I eat the whole loaf in 3 days.
3 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs , lightly bean
15 ounces canned unsweetened pumpkin
3 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
2/3 cup water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour 2 9 by 5 loaf pans. Stir together sugar and oil. Stir in eggs and pumpkin. Combine dry ingredients in separate bowl. Blend dry ingredients and water into wet mixture, alternating. Divide batter between two loaf pans. Bake for about an hour or until cake tester comes out clean. Let stand 10 minutes. Remove from pans and cool.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
An Awwwww Moment and a Funny
Samantha has also become quite the little copy cat. This morning she let out a huge toot while playing and then made a big farty noise with her mouth. I'm not sure if that's more or less socially acceptable than when she laughs hysterically after farting.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Random Pics and Videos
We took a quick trip up to Bellingham while Jo was in town, and took this picture on a walk in the park by the Burgess' house.
Here's a video of Sammy being silly. She likes to put things over her head, especially her mesh laundry bag. I think she's also trying to eat the bag. Crazy child!
And finally, we were hanging out in the backyard yesterday, and Sammy was running around with her arms up Superman-style. It was too cute to not catch on video.
Monday, September 6, 2010
100th Post!
Instead, I'll just write about Labor Day weekend. We've had a nice weekend just hanging out and doing whatever we feel like. We opted to stay close to home this weekend in case Pat got called in to deal with any problem soldiers.
Pat started off the weekend right by making meatballs from scratch for dinner on Friday night. After a slight catastophe involving marinara sauce all over the stove and floor, dinner ended up being deliscious! Samantha was equally thrilled with the meatballs. She shoveled it into her mouth as quickly as I would put more on her highchair tray.
It's been pretty chilly around here lately, so we didn't plan any outdoor activities for the weekend. A new restaurant opened at the marina just down the street from our house, so we headed there for lunch one day. The food was good, and they have 12 different kinds of gelato, so we'll be back frequently.
We also managed to take advantage of some of the Labor Day sales. We got a couple of cute fall outfits for Sammy since the weather is already pretty cool here. I also got her an adorable pair of owl pajamas (if you haven't guessed by the blog design, I've been on a bit of an owl kick lately).
Today we spent some time letting Samantha explore the backyard. We have quite a bit of moss in the yard, so it's a pretty soft surface when she falls down. Her favorite thing to do is pick up pinecones and hand them to us.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
That's Crafty

Unfortunately, my artistic talent is pretty limited. Well, I think I may have found my perfect crafting tool. It's called a Silhouette SD. It looks a lot like a printer, but you hook it up to your computer, create an image using it's software, and it either cuts it out or draws it for you. It's like a die-cutting maching and plotter all in one, and I am in love!
I got it all set up in about 10 minutes yesterday, and then put a little embellishment on Samantha's crib using adhesive vinyl in about 15 minutes today. It looks like I stenciled it on there, but if I ever want to change it I can peel it right off. The only thing stopping me from decorating every wall in the house is the fact that our walls are so textured that I don't think it would look right. I plan to try my hand at making some cards next!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
5 Year Anniversary
Year 1 of marriage was hard, but not because we were deciding who got the bigger closet or which person had to give up their furniture that wouldn't fit in the newly-merged space. I spent the first year mailing care packages and waiting for the phone to ring while Pat was risking his life every day.

Year 2 brought Pat's return (Yay!) and the purchase of our first home. Now we got to bicker over closet space and furniture. :-) Years 3 and 4 were spent making our home in Waynesville. Life was good, but we began to feel that someone was missing from our family.
Friday, August 20, 2010
We keep the TV on in the evenings, but Samantha usually completely ignores it. The only time she watches is during a specific commercial. Any time it comes on, Sammy stops what she is doing to dance. Thanks to the magic of DVR, we were able to rewind the commercial and catch some video.
This was the first one we you think we might have a little D.J. on our hands?
The second time through got her on her feet.
Monday, August 9, 2010
(Kind of) Walking Videos
Sunday, August 8, 2010
10 Months
Friday, August 6, 2010
Operation Meet the Family Part 1
- Took her first plane trip
- Cut her first (and second!) tooth
- Went swimming for the first time
- Had her first visit to Steak 'n Shake
- Attended her first wedding
- Stayed in a hotel for the first time
- And most importantly, met lots of people for the first time
Before we left for St. Louis, we drove up to Bellingham to visit some of Pat's side of the family. Samantha had so much fun playing with Pat's cousins. We got to celebrate Emma's birthday, and Samantha met her Great Aunt Karen and Tina and cousins Ben and Jake. Here's Samantha at GG Jim and Dorothy's house playing with cousin Margaret.
Samantha had so much fun playing with all the toys that Grandma had rounded up for her. I think her favorites were the balls and the xylophone.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Future Guitar Hero
9 Month Well Baby Visit
Sammy weighed in at 21 lbs and was 27.5 inches long. She's getting tall enough to reach most of the things we've tried to move out of reach on end tables. Pretty soon we'll have to put it all away.
Samantha continues to eat well and enjoy trying new things. She feeds herself applesauce and oatmeal with her own little pink spoon. Last night she was enjoying big juicy bites of peaches that we bought at the farmers market earlier that day. Here she is chowing down on a pita chip!
Today kicks off 2 weeks of visits with friends and family. Aunt Corky and Uncle Harry will be at our house shortly for a visit, and then on Wednesday we're heading up to Bellingham to see Jim, Dorothy, Don, Mary, Emma, and Margaret. Karen, Tina, Ben, and Jake will be in town also, so we'll get to see them as well! On Friday we're flying to Missouri to introduce Samantha to tons of family and attend a wedding. I have a feeling we'll be absolutely exhausted at the end of the trip, but we're so excited to see everyone!!!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
9 Months
It seems like there have been some big changes this month. After months and months of only sleeping while being held or laying next to me, Samantha is finally turning into a pretty good little napper! Her separation anxiety seems to be getting better, and with it her sleep is improving. She is now routinely sleeping for 1.5 - 2 hours in the morning and the afternoon. Sometimes I have to nurse her back to sleep after about 45 minutes, but she goes back down easily. It's so nice to have some time to be able to do things around the house that are tricky with a mobile baby (like update the blog or paint my toe nails!). I snuck in and snapped this picture of her zonked out just a couple of minutes ago. I know that I was risking the fury of the sleep gods by using the flash, but Samantha didn't even flinch.
We took Samantha to see the fireworks on the 4th, but they didn't hold her attention well. We watched them from pretty far away so that it wouldn't be too noisy for her. We were all bundled up in jackets and blankets because it was in the 50s. Brrrrrr! Luckily, Samantha seems to have inherited Pat's tolerance for the cold instead of mine. (Actually Pat says the credit goes to Pops!)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Samantha has been pulling up on everything, standing on her own, and even trying to take a couple of steps. We decided she would enjoy a push toy, so we headed out to Toys R Us yesterday to get one. Our choices were fairly limited, so we came home with a truck. It has headlights that spin around and make noise, and Samantha spent about 5 minutes solid spinning them yesterday. Here's some video of her walking with it. Sometimes she needs help standing up with it, but I figure she'll be a pro in a few days.
I also took some video of Samantha playing one of her favorite games. She likes to crawl around the ottoman so that she can't see us and then "find" us. She screams hysterically when she gets us. It's pretty adorable.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
First Haircut
"What does this lady thing she's doing to me?"