I posted the mushy birthday post on Samantha's actual birthday, so now it's time for the fun one! We celebrated Sammy's first birthday with just our little family. Pat is working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week right now, so we waited to start the celebration until Pat got home from work (not until 7:30). Samantha got to open one present, a See 'n Say from Grandma and Grandpa Pankau while we were waiting to keep her occupied.
When Daddy finally got home, we ate a quick dinner, and then it was time for cake! I made a carrot cake with carrots from the farmers market and cream cheese frosting from scratch. It might not have been the prettiest cake in the world, but it was delicious!

Samantha started off eating pretty delicately.

But she quickly discovered how fun it was to squish the cake, stash it in her high chair, and chuck it over the side. At one point there was a piece teetering on the edge of her tray that finally fell off, which Samantha thought was hysterical.

After cake (and a bath), we let Samantha open the rest of her presents. While she was occupied playing with shredded wrapping paper, we stashed most of the new toys in a closet, to be rationed out over the next few days.
And finally, an adorable picture of the birthday girl just for fun. :-)