Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pinterest Fail!

Today was one of those days where I felt like I pretty much had it together.  We had Skyped with Daddy this morning, and Christopher was awake for the call.  We went to the library to get some new library books for Sammy.  We spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine at the playground.

Sammy and I were both hungry after the playground, so I decided to try out a recipe that I had seen on Pinterest.  I thought I would earn extra Super-Mom points by letting Sammy help me make it.  Here's what the Pin that I saw looked like.

I chopped up 3 sticks of string cheese, then let Sammy dip them into milk and coat them with the bread crumbs.  I popped them into a 425 degree oven, set the timer for 10 minutes, and then went to go nurse Christopher. 

As I was going to the kitchen to take them out of the oven when the one-minute-warning timer beeped, I had a fleeting thought about the fact that there was nothing to help the bites keep their shape.  I then opened the oven to find this...

Whooops!!!!!  In retrospect, I should have set the timer for 7 or 8 minutes, checked them, and then left them in longer if the bread crumbs still needed to brown.

I ended up breaking them up into pieces, so that they kind of looked like cheese chips.  Luckily, they were pretty darn delicious even if they ended up looking like a mess.