Monday, December 15, 2008

Surgery Tomorrow

I'm scheduled to have a diagnostic laparoscopy at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. They're basically going to pump my abdomen full of gas and then insert a scope through a small incision under my belly button and look around. While they're in there, they'll be look for endometriosis, cysts, and fibroids, and they'll also shoot some dye through my fallopian tubes to see if they are open. If all goes well and the Dr. doesn't find anything exciting, it's probably back to Clomid for a few more cycles. If its bad news, we'll be referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist to explore "other options". I was really freaked out about this surgery at first, which is why it's taken me so long to post about it. I almost backed out of it countless times, but in the end I decided its better to know if there's something physically wrong now instead of later. I appologize in advance if I decide to post about the outcome while all doped up on prescription pain killers.

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