Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Road Trip

We've found the box of camera chargers and cables that I forgot to set aside before the move, so I'm finally able to post some pictures from our road trip to Washington and the new neighborhood. The road trip itself went pretty smoothly. The drive across Iowa was brutally boring, but the scenery just got prettier and prettier as we went. Montana was absolutely gorgeous, although we weren't prepared for a high temperature only in the low 60s. Washington was no disappointment either.

We probably saw 300 signs touting the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota, so we stopped in Mitchell for lunch to check it out.

We also took a little side trip through Badlands National Park. I highly recommend it if you're ever in the area. We would have liked to have spent more time there, but the weather was rainy and we still had a couple of hours in the car until we got to our hotel.

On the way to the Badlands, we stopped an area where you could feed prairie dogs. They were so cute, but obviously well fed. They were much fatter than the "wild" prairie dogs we saw in the park.

Mimi was a trooper through the whole trip. She stared at us angrily from her crate for most of the first day, but after that she would lay down and nap for most of the drive. Hopefully we won't have take her anywhere for a while.


The Tooles said...

I just told Justin I was wondering how you guys were doing. Glad the trip was okay....I immediately pictured how happy Pat would be to feed to prairie dogs! What is the word on housing? Do you like the area?

Liz said...

We got a house on post. We've been in it for a week, and we're about 2/3 of the way unpacked. The house is old, but the area is gorgeous. Our neighborhood backs right up to a lake!