Friday, December 11, 2009

2 Month Well Baby Visit

Samantha had her 2 month Well Baby visit today. It was at the clinic here on North Fort, which was so much nicer than having to go to the hospital. The clinic is about 3 mintues away from our house, and there is plenty of parking and a lab and pharmacy on site.

Samantha is doing great. She weighed in at a whopping 12 pounds and measured 20.75 inches. She's meeting all of the developmental milestones she should be, and is just pretty happy in general. Sammy was all smiles until we got to the vaccines. She had to have three shots today, and I've never heard her cry like this. It was just awful, but I was able to feed her right after, so she was only upset for a couple of minutes. We gave her some baby tylenol afterwards, and she's now napping peacefully (all by herself!).

1 comment:

The Tooles said...

2 months already... Time flies. She's adorable and your hike looked beautiful! Hope you are enjoyed being a new mama.