Sunday, July 31, 2011

Staying Busy

As you can tell by my recent lack of posts, summer has finally arrived in Washington State. While the rest of the country has been suffering in sweltering heat, we have been freezing up here! Now that temperatures are finally in the 70s, the Vogt family has been taking full advantage.

Samantha and I try to get outside and soak up some sunshine everyday. We'll either take a walk around the neighborhood, go play at the playground down the street, play in the sprinkler in the yard, or all three. We're also trying to do fun outdoorsy-type stuff with Pat before he leaves for basically all of August.

Sammy's language skills are developing every day. She's gotten pretty good at repeating new phrases and words that she hears, although she usually puts her own spin on them. She likes to say, "Zoom, zoom, zoooooooom!" when she drives toy cars around, but it comes out, "Yo, Yo, Yoooooo!". My other current favorite is yogurt, which she pronounces "yoyuck". This is funny because she actually loves it.

She's also very interested in whether or not different things have body parts. The other day she asked me if her poop had eyes and a mouth. Maybe this is a sign that we should stop referring to really gross diapers as poo monsters. he he

We've also been working on the idea of ownership. Sammy likes to claim a lot of things as "MINE!". I try to correct her when it's something that's not exclusively hers and tell her, "No, that's Momma's" (or Daddy's, or that little boy's). She really likes to point out Momma Go-Go and Daddy Go-Go (go-go is car in Sammy language).

I'll try to post some recent pictures in the next day or two, since I know that's the real reason that you're reading this. :-)

1 comment:

Katy Toole said...

Glad you are enjoying some warm weather. It has been in the mid 90's pretty much EVERY day for the last 1 1/2 months. Too hot to do anything other than swim and play in the water! Laughed out loud reading about whet Hilarious!