Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Past Month

It's been a little over a month since I last posted,so I thought I'd do a little catch-up post.  Here's what's been going on with Team Vogt recently:

- Pat spent a month training in the desert at NTC in California.
- Sammy and I spent about a week out of that month in Hermann visiting my family.
- We got to see Jo for a night while she was out here visiting her parents.
- My parents spent a 4-day weekend with us, resulting in grandparent-spoiling withdrawal for Samantha when they left.
- We spent a weekend in Westport, WA enjoying the ocean and also spent several afternoons at the lake on post.
- Samantha is talking up a storm, and even putting little sentences together.  Her words are pretty clear, but every once in while she stumps us with an odd pronounciation.
- Pat's current Brigade found out that they are deploying.  Some of Pat's Company will be going with them.  Pat will not be because...
- HRC (Human Resource Command) has told Pat that it's about time for us to move, so we're waiting on the list of potential next assignments.  For now, our future it totally up in the air.

And of course some cute pictures because I just can't resist.

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