Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pinned It, Did It

I have gotten completely sucked into Pinterest lately.  If you're not on it, it's basically a website where you can gather all of those great ideas that you find on the internet in one place.  I'm trying to be good about actually doing some of them and not just "Pinning" them, so here are a couple of activities Sammy and I have done lately.

Here is a fun and a little different way to practice writing and drawing skills.  It's Elmer's glue and a little bit of food coloring in a Ziplock baggie, and then you write on it with a Q-tip.  I like it because it's all things that most people already have around the house.

Naturally we have to teeter on the edge of danger while trying
out this new toy

Disclaimer: Mommy drew this heart

Just squish it to start over

This is Sammy painting in the tub with shaving cream with a little bit of food coloring.  Next time I think I'll do two or three primary colors so that Sammy can see what happens when the colors mix.

We ended up with some pretty awesome green bathwater
when we rinsed off Sammy's artwork.

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