Friday, May 14, 2010

Look Out World

Sammy is on the move! It feels like she's been on the brink of crawling for quite some time, but she finally put it all together today.

I also took some video of Samantha playing her favorite game, Where's Sammy?. Basically she puts anything over her face, goes crazy while we say, "Where's Sammy?", and then uncovers herself. The crazy child loves it!


Unknown said...

Love both these videosbut the "where's Sammy" game is hysterical! She is SOOOO excited about it and really knows the whole concept behind it. pretty smart for 7 I am not biased at all!

The Tooles said...

I love how she seems so proud of herself when she is crawling! What a hilarious version of peek-a-boo.