Friday, June 18, 2010

Sammy the Explorer

Sammy is enjoying spending her days exploring different objects in the house. This week she has discovered that she likes eating magazines and pulling the toilet paper off the roll. She has attempted to "explore" the water in the toilet several times, but I've managed to stop her.

Today she kept pulling her arm out of her sleeve, so I stripped her down and let her play in just her diaper. She was pumped. She spent quite a bit of her naked time exploring the underside of her bouncy bounce.

She's fascinated by all of Mimi's things. We've moved all of the cat's toys out of the living room, but we've left Mimi's "house". Sammy likes to pull it onto her head and try to drag is across the living room while Mimi is in it.

Sammy likes to sneak into the dining room and crawl around under the tables and chairs. She does this adorable thing where she scrunches her face up and breathes in and out through her nose really fast. I snapped a picture of her doing it while she was playing with her highchair.

And finally, this video is too cute not to share. There's a plastic ring on Samantha's bouncy bounce that she's been trying to chew on. I think she looks like a baby bird waiting for food when she tries to get it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great discription of her trying to chew the ring.....she holds herself up really well with all that bouncy movement trying to throw her off balance! We can't wait to see her in July/August!