Monday, January 10, 2011

15 Month Well Child Visit

We went to Samantha's 15 month well child visit today. Everything went well, even the 4 shots she had to get. :-( Poor baby. We had a few tears, but she was smiling again by the time we left. Sammy weighed in at 22 lbs and was 30 inches tall. I could tell that she had grown just by the way she can reach all those things she's not supposed to have that used to be out of reach. She has figured out how to climb onto the chair in the living room and then onto the end table so that she can repeatedly turn the lamp on the end table off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Off and on. Welcome to our world. :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said... is the grandparents who should be saying "welcome to OUR world" and the curse know the one...."may you one day have babies just like you"!!! hehehehehe