Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Fun Day with Sammy

Pat has been working extremely long hours this week, so he's barely been able to see Samantha. She's been extra-fun these last couple of days, so I've shot some videos and pictures to share with him (and all of you!).

Her current favorite things to do are climb all over the furniture, hang out in the windows, and run laps around the ottoman while I chase her with a pull-along cowboy that she got for Christmas from Grandma and Pops.

Maybe her energy for all that climbing comes from all of the yummy foods she loves to eat! Dinner tonight was chicken and broccoli. She saw me eating my broccoli with a fork and decided that she needed to use one too. She didn't get too much of it to her mouth with the fork, but she's getting better at it.

After dinner it was time for a bath. Samantha is loving bath time now that she's out of her baby tub and gets the entire bath tub to play in. She runs laps back and forth, splashes, and flops onto her belly. It's all quite entertaining even if I usually need dry clothes after she's finished.

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