Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Sammy and I decided to take advantage of the sunshine today by bundling up and heading to the playground down the street. Samantha seems to be oblivious to the cold, but I try to keep her warm anyway.

She used to be a little timid when climbing around on the playground equipment, but she's completely fearless now. She headed straight to the stairs, climbed up, bypassed the small slide, and slid down the big slide all on her own.

When we got home, Samantha had a good time playing with her hat. She would wear it for a little bit and then pull it off to examine the bears on it. Then she'd bring it over to me so that I could put it on for her again. She went to check herself out in the mirror a couple of times. I'm still not sure if she understands that she's looking at herself, but she found it pretty funny regardless.

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