Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Samantha's Birth Story

So much for first time labors lasting a while! I had some cramping off and on all evening on the 6th, but didn't really think much of it. I went to bed like normal and slept until about 2:30. I was in complete denial that I was actually in labor. My contractions were about 7 minutes apart, and I decided to do anything I could to slow them down, assuming it was false labor. I got in the tub for a while, drank a big glass of water, and laid down on my left side. No dice. Finally, around 5:00, I decided I better wake up Pat and call the midwife and my doula.

The doula was going to come over to the house to help decide when we should head to birth center, and then we were going to check back in with the midwife. Before my doula got to the house, my water broke, and the contractions got really intense. We called everybody back and told them just to head straight to the birth center.

The car ride to the birth center was awful. I was already fighting the urge to push. When we got to the birth center, I was fully dialated already, so they put me straight into the tub. Pushing only lasted about 35 mintues. The cord was around her neck and her little hand was by her face as she came out, so the midwife was amazed that it all went so quickly. Labor only took about 6 hours total. It was painful and intense, but totally worth it now that we're home with our sweet baby girl.


trueblue said...

I can't believe your first baby was such a short labor/delivery. She is absolutely beautiful. I'm thrilled to have won the baby pool. What can I say, I had a feeling 10-7 would be the day. Is she pictured in the little bouncer we gave you. If so, does she like the motion? Give baby Samantha a hug & kiss from her Great Aunt Vicki and take good care of Momma Liz (happy, rested moms = happy babies)

Liz said...

It is the bouncer you gave us! She seems to like it a lot. It's one of the only places she'll sleep by herself.