Thursday, October 29, 2009

Samantha's First Visitors

We enjoyed a really nice visit with my parents over the weekend. We were excited for Samantha to get to meet her Grandparents for the first time. We weren't able to get out and do much, but we did go out to eat and take my parents on a little tour of post. We also hit the PX and the Ft. Lewis museum. It was nice to know that if Samantha hadn't done well on the outings, we had 4 adults to try to soothe her instead of just Pat and me. Luckily, Sammy was a champ! She spent most of the outings sleeping. If she happened to wake up, all I had to do was feed her to keep her quiet and happy.

Speaking of feeding her, after a slow start, Samantha is now gaining weight well. At her lowest, she had dropped to 7 lbs, 6 oz. A week ago, she was back up to 7 lbs, 10.5 oz. I was a little nervous when I took her to get weighed yesterday (it's hard to tell how much milk she's actually getting during each feeding), but she weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs, 3 oz! It makes some of the marathon nursing sessions we've had totally worth it!

I was planning on posting a family picture that I had my Dad take, but when I downloaded them to the computer I was shocked to see just how sleep deprived Pat and I look in them. So much for using it for the Christmas cards this year! We'll try again after a good night's sleep. For now, you'll have to settle for the family minus Mommy.

1 comment:

The Tooles said...

I know your parents must have been SO excited to visit! Glad your nursing is going well and Samantha is packing on the pounds. I miss the days when it was a "good thing" to gain weight=)